ALTRAC · Watch upcoming meetings and hearings

Upcoming public hearings

How to watch the livestream

Watch the livestream online — click "Watch State House livestreams", then select the appropriate room. If you don't immediately see the livestream, you may need to select the appropriate committee first. Then pick that committee's "standing meeting" from the meeting list.

How to visit the state house in person

You can visit the state house in person at this address:

11 S Union St
Montgomery, AL 36130

Entering the State House, etiquette, etc

What to wear: Anything you like, but you cannot wear any political messaging, buttons, patches or bring flags or signs into the State House. This includes messages on shirts/clothes.

Remember: You are in the State House not only representing yourself, but an entire movement. Act accordingly. We are dealing with folks who already don't see us as human. This is not the place to give them more ammo. It isn't fair but it's the truth.

Entering/security: You will go through security/metal detector. No weapons are allowed. If they determine something could be a weapon you usually are given the chance to take it outside/store it in your vehicle. This is why arriving early is important, so you have time to potentially run to your car and back.

If the room is at capacity, there is a chance you will have to stand in the hallway. State House employees whose job it is to keep the hallways accessible will tell you to stand to one side, may ask you to move if you're blocking a doorway, etc. Please listen to them and be polite. They are genuinely nice folks who do not get paid enough.

Once the meeting begins

Watch State House livestreams Visit the State House (Google Maps) Visit the State House (Apple Maps)